Saturday, December 29, 2007
Year End Retreat
We went to Equatorial Bangi tried out Japanese restaurant, Kampachi. The outlet with simply set up, very cozy. The menu is comprehensive till i've no clue what to order. hahahaha..
Heck! I forgot to bring my camera, i can't snap any nice picture to blog about it.
I had gyuniku teriyaki (beef with teriyaki sauce) bento set and ebi tempura. I requested the beef doneness to be medium, but the beef was served in medium well, once i bite it, i told my boss it's not australian beef!! it's from china!! both of us laugh out loud, my boss impressed that i can tell the different of the meat texture! muahahaha...of coz, he should know who i work with yeah..i learned from my bosses. :P My boss had salmon sashimi, omg! only 6 tiny pieces, but's lip smacking FRESH! simply love it! We enjoy our booze up...ASAHI beer!! very smooth and with good after taste!
~*burp~* A good year end retreat for me!! Thanks boss!
Friday, December 21, 2007
Dancing Style

What's your dancing style?
twist your body..grove your body..shake your butt...swing your hand..put your hair down, shake your head..
A few day ago, Jae sms me that he was drop dead boring in the party. His friend dragged him out for clubbing..midnight DJ performance.
Here i shared with you all, Jae's funny sms :-
" Boring like hell, Trance and techno music. Can't understand how these damn people can dance on that kind of music, some jump like got pain in ass, some wiggle like took drug and some point into the air like jesus is coming..."
OMFG! damn hilarious !! HAHAHAHAHAHA!
My dear Jae, you really made my day! ^_^
Monday, December 10, 2007
Heart warming
1 day before Jae embarked his journey back to MUR, Pegs told me to bring him to try out food foundry. After work i picked him up, we went to post office coz he wanted to send an envelope to UK. We were waiting one hour over there, very stuffy and crowded. I was tired and leaned on his shoulder to rest bit, from that place i started to sneeze non stop..GOSH! I kid you not, i finished up my whole pack of tissue paper, my car was flooded with tissue papers while i was driving all the way to PJ. Finally we found food foundry, offers nice food with reasonable price. I can't enjoy my food much, why? coz my nose was blocked by mucus, i can't smell and taste anything from my food!! aw....-_-'' James was laughing his ass off about it. We had a glorious time together.
On the way back, he started to cough his lung out! poor baby! He told me he's sick while on the journey back home.
The night i had a tough time went to bed, i kept awake, went in and out washroom, grabbed tissue papers, drank water, freezing cold couldn't get a nice sleep. The next day i woke up drag my exhausted body to work in office, i felt so bloody sick! flu still conquering me non stop in office, and high fever came hit on me, sore throat all came one short. I can't stand it anymore, i felt so cold outside but inner part like sitting on burning fire, that kind of stupid hot and cold sensation at the same time was killing me! After lunch time, i told my boss i need a doctor! I went off quickly seek a doctor, doctor told me is virus infection, i sneezed too much till hurt my inner part of throat. Took my medicine rushed home shower, took my med straight hit my sack ZzZz... poor me!!
At the same time, Maxis called me up informed me that next day technician will come to fix my broadband problem, yes! since i was on MC next day, please do come fix it right away for me, before i get annoyed and bite you all!
In the afternoon, i received M's sms, asked whether i still on MC huh?coz no reply from my email. hahaha... He asked me do i need some porridge? I teased him: home delivery? i don't mind! :P He asked me : i prefers pork or chicken porridge , small or big portion? Could i wait till after 7pm? so sweet of him, awww.... :P Suddenly i felt so heart warming friend actually care about me loads...^_^
Friday, November 23, 2007
Happy ever..
Still can joke around, teasing each other, sms and email each other..sharing thoughts and dining together once while..
I do miss the good times been together...
I've draw a line that not to over nice to a person, i hold on my feeling ...let the rest just follow the flow as it is...
Happy ever to have you in my life..
for present, for the past, for the future...
Monday, October 1, 2007
I still took my own sweet time rolling on my bed, after all just decided get my arse off from my sweet bed, wanna take my shower. Walked into my washroom, turn on the water tape, FUCK! no water?!!! oh no!! morning when i got up went to washroom i remembered i washed my hand, how come afternoon no water supply when i want to take my shower? Must be kidding me!! and i need to rush for my appointment tho..... I've paid my bill, why no water supply? *panic* @#$@#%@#$#!!!
I called up my friend who stayed nearby, gosh! she still at her office, away from her apartment, i can't go to her place for shower. Thus, i've no choice need to get out to buy mineral water for shower. When i passed by security booth, suddenly rang a bell, i went up approached the security uncle, i told him my problem. He was so nice, he went up to my unit checked the water supply, found out someone turn off my water supply. Who's the mother fucker play with me huh? carry your gun stand up here! Thanks god this security uncle safe my day!
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Birthday code
Try this website, then click on your birth date as per calendar.
Here is mine! <3
5月24日 散播活力
5 月24日出生的人似乎对天底下所有的事都有自己的一套见解。然而,人类社会还是他们最关心的,从温和的批评到直言不讳、甚至革命性的言论,都是他们关心 社会的表现。这些人心思敏捷、言语刻薄,最怕别人不了解他们的想法。但问题是,他们几乎每隔几年(甚至每隔几个月)就会改变想法,令周遭的人瞠目结舌、不 明所以。
虽然这些人总喜欢大放厥词,成为众人注目的焦点,但另一方面却又时时与 社会大众保持相当的距离。事实上,他们非常憎恨个人的隐私受到侵犯,所以只愿意在恰当的时间、地点,以自己希望的方式,发表他们该讲的话。这种直截了当的 态度,常使人误以为他们平易近人、思想开明,然而事实却并非如此。对部分这天出生的人而言,沟通并不是一种双向的对话,而是所有人聆听他们发表高见。亲朋 好友或许早已习惯他们的滔滔不绝,甚至更惨的,还必须忍受他们无情又尖酸刻薄的批评。
5 月24日出生的人口才流利,能言善道,而且很懂得如何煽动群众,制造对自己有利的气氛。而他们精辟、哲学式的言论模式,更是深具有群众魅力。事实上,他们 的思考方式本来就很概念化,对于各种议题都有广泛的探索。这些不善照料自己或别人生活起居的人,常会忙得无暇去为诸如倒垃圾、洗衣服等日常琐事而烦恼因此 多半必须依赖别人来帮他们“管家”,否则生活将会呈现一团糟的状况。不过幸好,如果情况真的需要,他们还是可以集中心力先行处理眼前最棘手的事。
虽 然5月24日出生的人所造成的影响,有时难免具争议性、甚或是负面 的,但对于人们长久以来受压抑的情绪(诸如怒气、愤恨、暴力等),却具有相当大的解放作用。所以,即使曾经发生过不愉快,一旦风平浪静之后,事情反倒能因 此获得改善或澄清。然而无论如何,这天出生的人切记不可养成霸道、专横的个性;同时,最好也能培养良好的幽默感,而不要太过严肃了。
5 月24日出生的人都受数字6(2+4=6)以及金星的影响。由于数字6具有吸引爱慕的特性,而金星又代表密切的社会互动关系,因此这一天诞生和人不可避 免地就会常与人接触。虽然爱情对受到数字6主宰的人来说非常重要,但他们却多半不是付出终生挚爱的那一方,而是扮演接受者的角色。再加上水星是双子座的主 宰行星,所以这天出生的人在感情就显得比较轻浮不定、难以捉摸。
5月24日出生的人神经系统比较脆弱,容易因为压力过大而崩溃,所以应避免承担过多的社会工作。对这些人来说,找个隐僻的地方躲起来,也许才是最好的休养 方法,因为他们只有在完全与世隔绝的情况下,才能得到真正充分的休息。
此 外,这天出生的人由于活动频繁且迅速,还需要特别注意自己的手臂、手腕和肩膀。同时,抽粗枝大叶也应避免。又因为平时容易神经紧张,因此至少每隔几天要有 一次充足的睡眠,即使睡时翻来覆去,也仍然有益健康。烹饪则是在这天出生的人绝佳的休闲活动,建议不妨试试五花八门、充满异国情调的各种菜色。
英国维多利亚女王(Queen Victoria)在位64年,统治过历史上最大的帝国,也是英国历史上统治时间最长的君主。
法国大革命领袖兼记者马哈(Jean-Paul Marat),在沐浴中遇刺身亡。
植物学、博物学家、化学家及发明家卡弗(George Washington Carver),他的研究对农业发展具有重大贡献,促进了美国南方的经济革命。
英国作家罗素(John Robert Russell),著有《势利鬼小传》。
鲍伯狄伦(Bob Dylan)美国流行乐界的巨星,畅销单曲包括《随风而逝》。他同时也是作曲家和诗人。
俄裔美籍诺贝尔得奖诗人布洛斯基(Joseph Brodsky),著有诗集《信在荒原》、《一段话》和《致乌兰尼亚》。
《风尚》杂志的发行人纽浩斯(Samuel I.Neshouse),是位白手起家的报业大亨。
瑞典导演兼小说家泽特令(Mai Zetterling),曾执导《夜幕游戏》,另著有《鸟类迁移》。
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Thursday, September 6, 2007
zhang zhen yue 张震岳 - OK
this is one of my favourite song from him...
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
One year older...

Today is my friend, Mav's birthday! He's 28 yrs old! Big boy already, wish him one year older, one year wiser.
I guess it's gonna be his 'last' b'day celebration in M'sia, coz he gonna leave here for good, to be based in Shanghai, China permanantly.
i'm glad that finally he manage got what he wanted, achieved part of his dreams. Take good care of yourself, my friend. Till we meet again one day in the future.
Happy Birthday to you!!! many happy returns!!
MySpace Comments / Glitter Graphics
Thursday, August 30, 2007
ASCII codes
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In total, i've 5 days , such a long weekend for me, and i've applied 2 more days annual leave. Gonna rush back to hometown visit papa & mama and pick up some important documents and rush back to KL again. Sigh...!! Tomorow is merdeka day, will be stuck at home do house chores for some housekeeping and clearing stuff. Then Saturday gang outing , a birthday celebration and gathering for friends. The person i miss , he won't able to come due to busy working schedule, i swear to god that such his lame excuse. Work till no need to take dinner? i bet everyone do need food to survive tho... anyway, it doesn't matter, it been 3 months long we never see each other and no contact. The time is approaching to bid farewell with him, i hate to say goodbye, i guess i won't have the chance to say bye , good luck, take good care and i miss ya these phrases to him. Anyway, i still look up to faith till one day we will meet again someday...somewhere out there. I still carry hope, albeit it's bit far distance, no one know what's going to happen in the future, look forward to it.
Wish me good luck for my job hunting! I really need a big huge LUCK! finger cross and pray for me! GOD please answer my prayer! Thanks!
Monday, August 20, 2007
Gift from Kuching
I was so suprised to receive this gift from Mary who always be my big sista take care of me and hang out with me! She is my ex-colleague, end up we become so closed. After she resigned, we still keep in touch and outing every month. She will never forget to get me something whenever she travels, she definately back to M'sia with gifts. I truly treasure her and like her to bits. She such a GEM! She went to Philipines, Thai and some domestic locations, never back here with empty handed! Some goes to another big sista, Lynne who is always quiet & calm person, only open her mouth when necessary. She doesn't express her feeling much but always remember to bring me something back!! Sometimes i feel bad which i didnt bring goodies to them coz i seldom travel around too. :p
Thanks Mary being so sweet to me!!! I've got a lovely T-shirt from Kuching!
Thursday, August 16, 2007
I can cook!!
suddenly craved for soup...whenever i bad mood or good mood, once a blue moon i will crave to have some soup for my soul. soup to heal my soul...yeah! After work rushed to Giant, grabbed some ingredients back home, washed, trimmed and cut. Mind you, i hate go Giant now, the vege they are selling aint fresh at all! i bought the organic tomato, from the packaging look nice, i opened it realized 4 tomato all rotten one side which faced down inner part (from outside packaging u actually can't see it!), i just bit pissed tho..have to cut away the rotten part, left nothing much!
I cooked namyu 'fermented red beancurd' marinated chicket fillet (pan fried)served with green lettuces and balsamico dressing, salted vegetables soup with tofu, onion & tomato and onions & tomato omelette. Voila! less than 1 hr i had all of 'em done!! enjoy the hot soup, crispy chicken fillet salad & fluffy egg!! heavenly syok!
Friday, August 3, 2007
" who knows if he would change his mind if you manage to sort things out? but i doubt you would want to tell him this coz you want what's the behst for him right?"
I would not stop him to leave, to chase his dream and build his kingdom tho... and now i rather don't want to know the outcome and the reason behind why he behave and react like that way tho.. coz it doesn't serve the purpose coz the timing already overed.
Secondly, Rosyln mentioned again. "Then let the man decide. If you guys are meant to be together, no one can change that". Sounds reasonable and trustworthy? i ponder...i doubt. I don't think thing will work out anymore, coz i just burnt the bridge away.
I don't know how to face him when we meet again and the friendship will not be the same, i don't know how to patch it back again and it's not menable. We won't be closed as before, we might stay a distance away from each other, stop contact each other, give some spaces and fresh air to chill down. Just wipe everything off from memory, can i?
WY, another friend of mine told me that, " No, you didn't get the wrong message because he was hurt, that's why he threw the ball back at you. How you feel now is how he feels."
I've a big doubt, the pain i felt he might not know. The fear in me, he won't know. My past still keep hauting me non stop to reject all.
Zareen who is a sweet gem, she comfy me that: " you wish him the best, he wants a better life, so you show support. He will come home and you can visit, try not to be sad."
But i can tell you, it won't gonna to be happened tho...
I'm telling myself, LET GO for all, not worth it!
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Friday, July 27, 2007
王力宏 Wang Lee Hom- 改变自己
他唱道: 我可以改变世界 改变自己 改变龟毛 改变小气 要一直 努力努力 永不放弃 才可以 改变世界 改变自己。从自己的小缺点开始改变自己,改变对待别人的方式,如果大家都一起努力,这个世界终究会因此变得更好!
最近比较烦, 最近情绪很down ,每天對不如意的事都会很想大声尖叫來發泄.
开始改变自己,用更正面积极的态度来看待,从改变自己开始做起。 改变自己﹐让希望前进! 挑战 不可能的自己.
Poem from a friend
Around the corner I have a friend,
In this great city that has no end,
Yet the days go by and weeks rush on,
And before I know it, a year is gone.
And I never see my old friends face,
For life is a swift and terrible race,
He knows
I like him just as well,
As in the days when I rang his bell.
And he rang mine but we were younger then,
And now we are busy, tired men.
Tired of playing a foolish game,
Tired of trying to make a name.
"Tomorrow" I say! "I will call him
Just to show that I'm thinking of him."
But tomorrow comes and tomorrow goes,
And distance between us grows and grows.
Around the corner, yet miles away,
"Here's a telegram ," "He died today."
And that's what we get and deserve in the end.
Around the corner, a vanished friend.
Remember to always say what you mean.
If you
love someone, tell them.
Don't be afraid to express yourself.
Reach out and tell someone what they mean to you.
Because when you decide that it is the right time it might be too late.
Seize the day. Never have regrets.
And most importantly, stay close to your friends
and family, for they have helped
make you the person that you are today.
SMILE, even through your tears!!!!!
What if tomorow never comes!?Monday, July 23, 2007
BAD egg!!
just now i was cooking my late dinner, planned to have a small tomyam soup noodle.
Put some chopped onion and tom yam paste...stir n boil...
then 'knock' the egg, wanna to add onto the soup...OH NO!! It was a BAD EGG!!
My tom yam soup gone case..... sob sob....
Have to re-cook again... why why why?
It was my first time cooking encountered this type of BAD EGG man!!!
how could the egg supplier supplied bad egg to TESCO? and i was the unlucky one picked the BAD EGG back home... HELPLESS!!!
U this BAD EGG spoilt my whole pot of tomyam soup!
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
作詞:阿信 作曲:阿信
怎麼去擁有 一道彩虹
怎麼去擁抱 一夏天的風
天上的星星 笑地上的人
總是不能懂 不能覺得足夠
如果我愛上 你的笑容
要怎麼收藏 要怎麼擁有
如果你快樂 不是為我
會不會放手 其實才是擁有
當一陣風吹來 風箏飛上天空
為了你而祈禱 而祝福 而感動
終於你身影 消失在 人海盡頭
才發現 笑著哭 最痛
那天你和我 那個山丘
那樣的唱著 那一年的歌
那樣的回憶 那麼足夠
足夠我天天 都品嚐著寂寞
知足的快樂 叫我忍受心痛
Monday, July 16, 2007
Shall We Meet Cafe, 23 June 07
In my heart, "excuse me, you not even want to tell me where's the venue end up i back home wait for call". Finally told me in SS2, beggar! don't you there always traffic jam? i was late for 40 minutes! Dare to tell me if i still late, second dishes that you consumed gonna on my bill!
Ping is a sweet lovely lady, we had a long chat there for 5 hours. After that i have to rush to Jack's farewell party @ Lake Edge Club, Puchong whereby Mav gonna to FFK for it.
Thursday, July 12, 2007
I cooked something...
anyway, i never treat myself that bad to starve myself lo..
i cooked this simply dish for myself...sautee baby carrot with herbs, cherry tomato and fried onion egg...yummy!!
Monday, July 9, 2007
Learn to love the people who are with you at present. Forget the people in the past and thank them for hurting you, which led you to love the people you have right now.
When you love someone, you'll do crazy things you can't explain, you'll deny the truth and believe in lies. When you love someone, you sacrifice, give everything you've got and don't think twice.
== You risk it all no matter what. ==
Everything in life is temporary because everything changes. That is why it takes courage to love, knowing it might end anytime...having faith will make it last.
Love is the feeling we fall in and out of, and every time we fall off, we learn to hold on tighter...hoping that next time, we may never have to let go.
They say when love knocks at your door, open it. But do you know that sometimes love enters through the back door and before you begin to notice it, it's on it's way out.
Have you ever loved only to let it go?..
Have you ever hated someone and loved him so?..
Have you ever missed someone so bad it made you cry?
Have you ever seen someone left alone without knowing why?
== THAT'S LOVE! ==
Lucky is the man who wins the first love of a woman but luckier is the woman who wins the last love of a man.
Love is not the right word to say when you feel guilty nor the right word to say when you like a person but love really matters when we share our thoughts, our minds, and our hearts...
Love is not for beauty or color of the skin, but for a heart that is loyal within, for beauty fades and the skin would grow old but a heart that is loyal will never turn cold.
If someone hurts you, betrays you, or breaks your heart, forgive them for they have helped you learn about trust and the importance of being cautious to whom you open your heart.
A love is easy to feel, so hard to explain; so easy to get, so hard to let go; so easy to spell, so hard to define...and yet everyone is still taking the risk.
== My LoVe $h@Wn ==
We are all a little weird and life's a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in love in mutual weirdness and call it LOVE!
Never be afraid to fall in love. It may hurt a lot, it may give you aches and pain, but if you don't follow your heart; in the end you will cry even more for not giving love a chance.
Don't run ahead of God. Let Him direct your steps. He has plans and He has His time. God's clock is never one minute early nor one minute late. It always strikes right on time.
If someone loves you, love them back not only because they love you, but also because they are teaching you to love and opening your heart and eyes to things you have never seen or felt without them.
The past is meant to be used as a tool for the future. Bad experiences indeed make you bitter but the lessons learned should make you better.
It hurts to see someone you love happy with somebody else; but wouldn't it hurt you more to see that person unhappy...with you?
When you find arms that will hold you at your weakest, eyes that will see you at your ugliest, lips that will kiss you in both instances, and a heart that will love you at your worst, then you have found true love.
Someday, someone might come into your life and love you in a way you always wanted.
If your someday was yesterday.. LEARN
If your someday is tomorrow.. HOPE
If your someday is today.. CHERISH!!!
Friday, July 6, 2007
Am I Lucky?
On the music to high volume drove fast back home, coz bit sleepy and make up all faded out and sweat around.
Reached the apartment, used the access card then drove my car in. Then open car's door quickly and got out back to my little home sweet home and busy replied sms to James in Mauritious who is little bit down whereby i bit concerned about him. He always be there for me as my buddy eventhough he is so far, when i was sad he is the first one who call me to comfy me.
After shower i dozed off...hit my sack after sms session..
This morning i got up rushed to work, i started my baby engine, i saw a black leather wallet sticked on my wind screen wiper, what's that? looks familiar! Oh shit! i went to pick it up, it was my access card, without it i can't go out from security point. Phew! i was clumsy n careless last night, rushing back home didnt realise i dropped it on floor, someone so kind hearted pick it up and return it back to me and put it back on my car windshield. Thanks god!! Thanks alot to this kind person (god know who are you to do this good deed to me)!! I am really in the blessing man....I'm so lucky to get it back!!
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
Panda Face
JoO wrote:
Lin Zhen is ur fren oh?
she email me woh...
she asked me whether i meet her b4 with u & man yen in mid valley oh?
did i met her? i dun think so loh...who is man yen ah?
wahlao,i so blur liao..
nvm, anyway, i replied her jor.. :)
Maverick wrote:
You dunno this little kid lah~ she is as blur as you too hahha so please forgive her.
JoO wrote:
wah!~~ u so bad loh..said i blur as her woh..
i didnt feel anything woh, just bit funny lo..may b i have common face that she reckon me somewhere gua..muhhahahhaaa
Maverick wrote:
Panda face sure common lah, every country also has zoo.
@#$@#$#@$ *gulp* -___ - || *sweat*
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
认真去想的话,爱是什么其实谁也讲不清楚。既然讲不清楚,那又应该如何去爱呢?或许采用删除法会是不错 的尝试。首先,用狂热的激情真能体现爱情的价值吗?每辆车上插根小国旗,跟文革时期人手一册小红书到底有什么不同?历史早为无知定论,却始终有人乐此不 疲。那正是弗洛姆指出的分不清什么是意乱情迷和堕入爱河。若认真要去爱一个人,狂风暴雨绝对不及细水长流来得持久。天天发动“红玫瑰攻势”,你不腻,对方 也腻;对方不腻,观众也腻。
再说,爱情依靠条件吗?国学大师唐君毅写过一本令人意外的小书《爱情之福音》,书中有很好的描述。爱情 应该是超越条件的,不过,没有条件,你也不可能去爱。唐先生说:“异性之条件之拴住你的心,如同一根绳子把牛拴在树下吃草,但爱情生活在吃草,不在被绳子 拴在树上。”这主次关系必须分清楚。
别再互相追问到底谁比较爱谁了吧!爱的艺术是门大学问,假如相信弗洛姆的理论,那事情还得回到自身。如 果是珍惜它的,面对一份爱情,不论对象是人还是国家,问问自己是否齐备了这五个要素:给予、关心、责任、尊重、了解。当然,齐备了也不意味着无往不利,但 至少已经尽心尽力,无愧于天地良心了。
Monday, June 18, 2007
My delicious dinner / supper
Friday, June 15, 2007
性感绝招 用撩人眼神电死他
无数调查认为,女人一直以来追求的两样东西就是美貌和金钱。如果非要她们二选一不可的 话,她们一定会选金钱,我非常反对这片面说法。所以向男人们寻求答案(所调查的男人从18岁到80岁都有),令人尴尬的是,这些男人说他们见到的80%的 女性都是这样的。但是我宁愿相信女人贪财这种说法是源自古老的童话(那男人因为爱她而拼命努力工作,出人头地,挣了更多的钱,让她过上了好日子),也不愿 意承认这是源于女人的贪婪。
无论男人还是女人都是对性爱着迷的物种,任何东西只要能联想到情爱,我们就会继续想下去。女性丰满、圆 润的朱唇会对男人产生诱惑,还有一些食物的形状,都会在潜意识里刺激突发遐想的男女。记得睡眼惺忪的样子永远不会过时(我们也希望自己喜欢的人能有这样一 副神态——当然是和我们在一起时)。同样,一张清新的脸庞会看起来很漂亮。清爽、干净的肌肤、炯炯有神的眼睛、年轻的面容、丰满的嘴唇、挺直的鼻梁、美丽 的身材。继而,我们就可能会想到有关情爱的问题。我们当然知道,我们的职责之一就是让地球上的种群继续繁衍下去。
最性感的眼神是一次在餐厅里,我对面那个男人的眼神。他眼睛向上看的时候无意中看到了我,开始和我对 视。他向后靠了靠,放下手里的刀叉,用目光盯着我。我微微一笑,将我的目光完全吸引到他的嘴上,这时他用牙咬住下嘴唇,然后轻轻地放开,我的目光又回到了 他的眼睛上,这时我也笑了。这笑容并不是说:“我想认识你”;也不是在表达:“我知道你在看我”。这是一种有情调的眼神,是一种“能让对方销魂的笑”。即 使他没有碰我,在我看到他眼神的时候还是觉得非常舒服,非常开心,这是一种怎样的享受啊!
Thursday, June 7, 2007
7 Secrets of Success
Roof said : Aim High
Fan said : Be Cool
Clock said : Every minute is precious
Mirror said : Reflect before you act
Window said : See the world
Calender said : Be up-to-date
Door said : Push hard to achieve your goals
Monday, June 4, 2007
Consul : What is your name?
Arab: Abdul Aziz
Consul: Sex?
Arab : Six to ten times a week
Consul: I mean, male or female?
Arab : both male and female and sometimes even camels
Consul: Holy cow!
Arab : Yes, cows and dogs too!!!!
Consul: Man,...isn ' t it hostile?
Arab :Horse style, dog style, any style
Consul: Oh...dear!
Arab : Deer? No deer, they run too fast!
Friday, June 1, 2007
Vacancy for the post of friend
got such thing as vacancy for post of friend..tackle girls, out sourcing suppliers, sourcing for good looking bf, look for lesbo / gay, job vacancies..etc.
oh my fucking god! besides i received few of lesbo email , i got a hillarious email as well. please read as follows:-
Date: | Wednesday, 30 May, 2007 7:21 PM |
Subject: | Vacancy for the post of friend |
Message: | I would like to submit my application to add u as my friend. Your approval on this matter is very much appreciated. Thank you. james*p*j* |
Every company faces the problem of people leaving the company for better pay or profile.
Early this year, Mark, a senior software designer, got an offer from a prestigious international firm to work in its India operations developing specialized software. He was thrilled by the offer.
He had heard a lot about the CEO. The salary was great. The company had all the right systems in place employee-friendly human resources (HR) policies, a spanking new office,and the very best technology,even a canteen that served superb food.
Twice Mark was sent abroad for training. "My learning curve is the sharpest it's ever been," he said soon after he joined.
Last week, less than eight months after he joined, Mark walked out of the job.
Why did this talented employee leave ?
Arun quit for the same reason that drives many good people away.
The answer lies in one of the largest studies undertaken by the Gallup Organization. The study surveyed over a million employees and 80,000 managers and was published in a book called "First Break All The Rules". It came up with this surprising finding:
If you're losing good people, look to their immediate boss.Immediate boss is the reason people stay and thrive in an organization. And he 's the reason why people leave. When people leave they take knowledge,experienc-e and contacts with them, straight to the competition.
"People leave managers not companies," write the authors Marcus Buckingham and Curt Coffman.
Mostly manager drives people away?
HR experts say that of all the abuses, employees find humiliation the most intolerable. The first time, an employee may not leave,but a thought has been planted. The second time, that thought gets strengthened. The third time, he looks for another job.
When people cannot retort openly in anger, they do so by passive aggression. By digging their heels in and slowing down. By doing only what they are told to do and no more. By omitting to give the boss crucial information. Dev says: "If you work for a jerk, you basically want to get him into trouble. You don 't have your heart and soul in the job."
Different managers can in different ways - by being too controlling, too suspicious,too pushy, too critical, but they forget that workers are not fixed assets, they are free agents. When this goes on too long, an employee will quit - often over a trivial issue.
Talented men leave. Dead wood doesn't.
"Jack Welch of GE once said. A company's value lies "between the ears of its employees".
By Azim Premji, CEO- Wipro
Saturday, May 26, 2007
My Visual DNA test analysis
Here is my result :-
Personality Mood - Easy Rider
Always taking life how it comes,and living in the moment. They don't get fazed by life, they just breeze through.
You're a bit of a romantic and have a taste for the exotic. you love feeling the sea breeze in your hair, sun on your skin.. slip those shoes like to kick back. When it comes to art, you appreciate flair and precision. Highbrow and in the know, you've got an eye for fine detail. As for music, it's the soundtrack to your world. An open road, your favourite tracks - cliches are there to be enjoyed! Your choice of treat shows that you really care about your appearance, if you feel good on the outside, you'll feel good on the inside right?
Personality Habit - Junkie Monkey
They don't have rules, and they don't like restrictions.They make their own choices,and do as they please.For them pleasure always comes first.
You never have enough rest - either you're too busy, exhausted or perhaps just a little lasy? Either way your snooze is your best friend, and at times your worse enemy?
Clean and poure - your choice of drink shows that on the whole you care about your health and make sure you're putting the right stuff in. As for the home, your bold personality is reflected in your style. You like to be in surrounding that lift your mood.
Personality Fun - Worker Bee
Their ambition drives them through life - work is their no. 1 priority,they are intelligent and committed.
You're a bit of workaholic. You can't help pushing yourself to the limit and can't find that off switch. For kicks, you're definately competitive and easily hooked... You like the discipline of honing your skills and getting really good at something. You tend to stamp your foot when things don't quite go your way! When it comes to holidays, you like to explore and immerse yourself in another culture. Always on the go, you take in as much as you can. You find it hard to switch off, as you like to learn all the time. What grosses you out? Good manners are essential. Prodding, poking and picking get your ' yuk' factor ticking.
Personality Love - Love bug
They are the type to fall in love in a thousand times a day. Their feeling snowball quickly, and they are full of passion.
For you love is about long-term commitment, it means devotion and tenderness. When you think of freedom - you think of stripping off and getting back to nature. You're comfortable with your body and happy to make the first leap.