Due to unforeseen parts need to be changed , it jeopardised my appointment with my buddy , it was deferred to late evening after car wash.
Had a good dinner at buddy place , sampling sarawak kolo Mee, soju and durian cheese cake, after filled up my stomach time to head back home,
In the morning ,K texts me checking on my long weekend plan , I shared my weekend plan with him. While I was driving K texting me told me he is in KL would love to meet up. I asked why so impromptu? He told me due to traffic jam he was late arrived. I thought he has meeting agenda in town .
After few minutes consideration , I decided drove to town to catch up with K in wee hours.
We had good chat before hit the sack, next day morning woke up becoz of nice aromatic hot coffee in the room, earlier morning bed side breakfast was served upon open my eyes, how sweet is it ?
We had our breakie and watching CNN news, it was short catch up but a good time to remember. Bid farewell with hugs and kisses , till we meet again !
After that K told me the reason of this surprise impromptu, coz K can’t make it for next month meet up & feel guilty , so make it up for me to surprise me with such last minute planning.
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