Monday, September 15, 2008

Meaninful quotes

Found a few meaningful quotes from a drama series, "fated to love you" which make me sobbing over the drama scenario.

Unsuitable cups & coaster
~the sharp ended cup is me, the coaster is the woman that i love most in my life.
~sometimes, even when i know we are clearly not suitable for each other, i still want to try it out anyway, and see if we can actually find a small balance, where i can rest that sharp ended cup on the coaster.

~Because happiness is like a thin ice.
~ Even if i can be with the woman that i love in this life, everything we had between each other,will become my inspiration in my art work.

~Only a person with a story can create resplendent art works.
~If you can't forget the past,then just don't forget about it. bury it deep in your heart as one of your life time stories. That quiet past will become a sustenance, you must know that you can't keep looking back, if you do , you will never improve.
~ Perhaps the person who encouraged you, will become the next part in your story.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

疼爱 by Jam Hsiao

Teng Ai 疼爱 - Jam (Hsiao) Xiao Jing Teng

我沈默 不代表我不痛
我不痛 眼淚就不會流
總是安靜承受 安靜忍受 安靜看你走

你說我 很適合當朋友
你說我 總是會聽你說
你說別太難過 保持聯絡 有空的時候

把疼愛都給你 把疼痛都給我 最痛是當時微笑送你走
等到你轉身後 眼淚也不敢流 只怕你偶然還會回過頭
把疼愛都給你 把疼痛都給我 放開手是我最後的溫柔
如果你能飛得 快樂自由 這疼痛 並不算 什麼

想挽留 卻為什麼點頭
我不懂 連我都不懂我
如果說的太少 愛的太多 有誰能夠懂

把疼愛都給你 把疼痛都給我 最痛是當時微笑送你走
等到你轉身後 眼淚也不敢流 只怕你偶然還會回過頭
把疼愛都給你 把疼痛都給我 放開手是我最後的溫柔
如果你能飛得 快樂自由 這疼痛 並不算 什麼

千言萬語擁擠我的宇宙 讓我震耳欲聾 喔喔
有多少愛 就有多少 沈默的疼痛

把疼愛都給你 把疼痛都給我 最痛是當時微笑送你走
等到你轉身後 眼淚也不敢流 只怕你偶然還會回過頭
把疼愛都給你 把疼痛都給我 放開手是我最後的溫柔
如果你能飛得 快樂自由 這疼痛 並不算 什麼

Friday, September 5, 2008

改嫁 by 林宇中 [Rynn Lim Yu Zhong]

Lately, always get to listen to this song from radio, simply love it!!
This is theme song for one of the radio vocal drama at MYfm which is all about love of a couple, somehow one party is passed away and yet another can't let it go. Very pitiful..sob sob..
Gai Jia 改嫁 - Rynn Lim 林宇中

起轿 凤冠霞披却不闪耀
鞭炮 燃烧的喜气沾苦恼
唢呐吹不响 烙在心上的某一段情调
苦笑 爱蒙上盖巾看不到
醉掉 交杯洒跟谁不重要
掀起盖头来 亲吻新人的脸幻想是你的面貌
你的好 当嫁妆 把爱当新娘
爱悄悄 经过寂寞的洗脑 改嫁到另一个人怀抱
心草草 隐藏回忆的心跳 试著要把你忘掉
爱悄悄 这样改嫁终老 就是想你改也改不了
若被烫焦 大红蜡烛两头烧 让爱随火灭掉
苦笑 爱蒙上盖巾看不到
醉掉 交杯洒跟谁不重要
掀起盖头来 亲吻新人的脸幻想是你的面貌
你的好 当嫁妆 把爱当新娘
爱悄悄 经过寂寞的洗脑 改嫁到另一个人怀抱
心草草 隐藏回忆的心跳 试著要把你忘掉
爱悄悄 这样改嫁终老 就是想你改也改不了
若被烫焦 大红蜡烛两头烧 让爱随火灭掉
掀起了你的盖头来 让我来看看你的脸
呜 不是你的脸 呜 不是你的脸
爱悄悄 经过寂寞的洗脑 改嫁到另一个人怀抱
心草草 隐藏回忆的心跳 试著要把你忘掉
爱悄悄 这样改嫁终老 就是想你改也改不了
若被烫焦 大红蜡烛两头烧 让爱随火灭掉
爱过了门 就灭掉